Saturday, August 31, 2019

Romeo and Juliet – Guilty Deaths

Deaths The Shakespearian play Romeo and Juliet is a well known story about star-crossed lovers whose fates end in tragedy. The deaths of these two lovers can be held responsible on two main characters, Friar Lawrence and the Nurse yet out of the two, who is more liable? Friar Lawrence is a priest who marries the two lovers, gives Juliet a fake potion to prevent her from marrying Paris, fails to send the letter to Romeo telling him about his plan and selfishly runs away from Juliet in fear that he would get into trouble for his involvement.The Nurse is Juliet’s lifelong caregiver who helps Juliet and her lover get married, becomes their â€Å"messenger† and later on in the play, changes her mind on who Juliet should be with. The physical actions and guidance of both the Friar and Nurse demonstrate their liability for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Although, it is undeniable that Friar Lawrence is more to blame than the Nurse on the deaths of Romeo and Juliet through his guidance, advice and physical actions throughout the play.In the play, Romeo and Juliet are very young and constantly seek advice and guidance of people older and supposedly wiser than them, like Friar Lawrence and the Nurse. What is unclear to them is that the advice and guidance that they receive comes with many consequences, and for Romeo and Juliet, it is death. Throughout the course of the Shakespearian play, Friar Lawrence gives the couple a lot of advice and guidance. To avoid marrying Paris, he tells Juliet to pretend to be dead with the help of a special potion he made.As part of the plan, he was supposed to inform Romeo of this arrangement yet he fails which later costs him his own life along with Juliet’s. â€Å"Come I’ll dispose of thee/ Among a sisterhood of holy nuns/ Stay not to question, for the watch is coming/ Come, go good Juliet. I dare no longer stay/† (Shakespeare 5. 3 155) demonstrates how selfish he was as he left the Capulet tomb and le t Juliet kill herself instead of attempting to help her. By letting her die alongside Romeo, he is more responsible for their deaths. The second character that holds responsibility for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet through her advice to Juliet is the Nurse.Throughout, the Nurse seems to admire Romeo. She praises him for his love for Juliet and seems to be fond of their marital union. After Atabani 2 a heated discussion between Lady Capulet, Capulet and Juliet about whether or not she should marry Paris, she changes her mind about Romeo and their marriage. She believes that because he is exiled from Verona that he should be dead to Juliet. Romeo is banished, and all the world to nothing. That he dares ne'er come back to challenge you. Or, if he do, it needs must be by stealth. Then, since the case so stands as now it doth.I think it best you married with the county. Oh, he’s a lovely gentleman. Romeo’s a dishclout to him. An eagle, madam, Hath not so green, so quick, s o fair an eye As Paris hath. Beshrew my very heart. I think you are happy in this second match. For it excels your first. Or if it did not. Your first is dead, or ’twere as good he were. As living here and you no use of him (3. 5 88) All through the play, it is clear that the Nurse is a very mother like character to Juliet therefore when she gave Juliet advice on who to marry, the Nurse was attempting to advocate bigamy.This upsets Juliet and because of the advice the Nurse gives her, she goes to Friar Lawrence in seek of a remedy for her aching heart. Although both the Nurse and Friar Lawrence may have seemed to have good intentions in giving advice to Romeo and Juliet about their star-crossed love, the Friar’s words of advice makes him more accountable for their deaths. In Romeo and Juliet, the fulfillment of certain actions leads to the play's tragic ending, death. In the play Friar Lawrence is one of the characters whom commits physical acts that makes him responsi ble for the deaths of the lovers.Firstly, he marries the two lovers in a secret ceremony with only the Nurse attending. By performing their marriage, he defies their fates and bonds them as star-crossed lovers, which leads to their devastating deaths. After, the Friar’s realization of their forbidden love he states â€Å"In one respect I’ll thy assistant be/ For this alliance may so happy prove/ To turn your households rancor to pure love† (2. 3 46). He marries them against Atabani 3their families in hopes that he may end the feud that divides the Capulets and the Montagues.By creating a marital union between the Juliet and Romeo, the Friar creates more hatred between the families that builds up to the conclusion. By marrying them, the Friar makes himself more accountable for the suicides of Romeo and Juliet. The second character who is physically liable for the deaths of the star – crossed lovers is the Nurse. After the Prince exiles Romeo to Mantua for murdering Tybalt, the Nurse plays a â€Å"messenger† role, in which she continuously goes back and forth between the two lovers. She helps them be Atabani 3 ogether even though she knows that both the Capulets and Montagues would disapprove. The Nurse would also constantly bring news from Romeo to Juliet about their blooming love and later, their marriage. Now, afore God, I am so vexed that every part about me quivers. Scurvy knave! Pray you, sir, a word And as I told you my young lady bid me inquire you out. What she bade me say, I will keep to myself. But first let me tell ye, if ye should lead her into a fool’s paradise as they say, it were a very gross kind of behavior, as they say.For the gentlewoman is young, and therefore, if you should deal double with her, truly it were an ill thing to be offered to any gentlewoman and very weak dealing (2. 4 53) are the words of The Nurse while she is explaining to Romeo about her role as a messenger between both Juliet and R omeo. If the Nurse had considered what would happen to this couple, she may not have wanted to become their messenger and risk their lives like she did. As a result of both the Friar and the Nurse’s involvement physically they can both be held accountable for the deaths of the lovers, yet it is evident that Friar Lawrence can be considered more responsible.Through his guidance, advice and physical actions throughout the play, it is undeniable that Friar Lawrence is more to blame than the Nurse on the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The Shakespearian play Romeo and Juliet written in 1590 explores many different themes including fate, love and death. The deaths of the protagonists Romeo and Juliet can be blamed on the physical actions, guidance and advice of both the Friar and Nurse. This later demonstrates who is more responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.The Nurse’s actions, advice and assistance includes helping the lovers get their marriage, becoming their †Å"messenger† and later on in the play and changing her overall idea about the marriage between Juliet and Romeo. The actions, guidance and advice that Friar Lawrence administrates to both Romeo and Juliet include marrying the two lovers, giving Juliet the potion, failing to send the letter to Romeo in time and selfishly running away from Juliet in fear that he would get into trouble for his involvement make him more responsible than the Nurse.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Consulting Project Plan †Executive Summary Essay

My name is Lisa. I am a consultant from Hexi Consultation Firm. My expertise lies in interpersonal, training, and sales consultations. I was brought in by Mr. Joseph Wilson, your CEO, to research what he believed to be the company problem, diagnose it, and come up with a solution. First, I want to let each and everyone one know that I am here to help. I am here to help not only find out what has gone wrong but to help those who this is affecting come out of this with a better way of operating his/her department or duties, improve interpersonal relationships, insure everyone knows how to perform their job by providing him/her with the necessary material and training possible. Along the way, I want each person to who I interact with to feel free to question a statement, a recommendation, or a decision. We will be in this project together. I want everyone involved to understand this is your workplace, your home away from home, your livelihood. I am here to help improve the environment and conditions in which it operates. Upon completion of this project, I want everyone to feel that the changes made were fore the best and made this company a better place to work. How we achieve that will be by: * Creating a Communication Plan * Scheduling and conducting meeting for areas where research and change are involved. * Organize and Conduct a Feedback Meetings * Corporate and Regional * Beginning to End of Project * Devise an Implementation Plan I look forward to the opportunity to work alongside of everyone involved.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Philosophy: Dialogue with Socrates Essay

â€Å"Socrates, good day!† exclaimed Person. Socrates is still mesmerized in this realm unbeknownst to him. Dazed and confused, he sees a figure, a person looking right at him. He replied, â€Å"Good day to you to. May I ask you questions about this world? I suppose you are a citizen of this state.† â€Å"I would gladly entertain your queries, but I have questions too, questions that only you can answer,† retorted Person. â€Å"I will bring the truth upon your inquiries, if you allow me the pleasure of asking you one question. I need help in bringing out the truth so that the decision I make would be based on reason.† â€Å"The pleasure is mine,† said Socrates, â€Å"I will help you bring the light of truth into your question, what is it that you ask?† Person then hesitated, but replied eventually, â€Å"Should I submit my school requirement? The teacher asked to write something philosophical, something uhm†¦ something about a dialogue.† â€Å"Then it is an obligation, I suppose, and every obligation must be fulfilled. This is a moral act, pious according to the laws of my state, Athens. One must never disrespect the state, it is immoral.† â€Å"I do not want to submit my paper, it gets in the way of my hobbies and friends, yet at the same time, I do not want to fail my obligations to my school, â€Å" Person said. â€Å"This obligation, to whom is it addressed,† Socrates asked. â€Å"The obligation is for my teacher,† replied Person. â€Å"Why would you not obey your obligation? Did you enter this obligation as an agreement,† inquired Socrates. â€Å"Why, I, ah I entered the obligation as an agreement when I enrolled. I entered it willingly but the teacher gets in the way of my hobbies and friends,† said Person. Socrates asked: â€Å"If the teacher is a hurdle to you, would you then disregard this authority? What is the basis of your rebellion against authority?† And Person replied: â€Å"I would disregard the authorities, but there are consequences, like a failing grade. If I fail, I would either repeat this course, or I would have a hard time applying for a job after I graduate if most of my grades show my disregard for requirements and obligations.† â€Å"Then, following this authority is a virtue?† â€Å"Yes!† exclaimed Person. â€Å"And entering an agreement or obligation willingly is acceptable?† â€Å"Yes,† said Person proudly. â€Å"If the authority gets in the way of your time with friends, does this mean that the authority is immoral?† â€Å"No.† whispered Person. At this point, Socrates is fuming mad. I know that he is a just man. Plato said so, when I conversed with him moments ago. And now I know that Socrates is not only just but also virtuous. He is attached to truth itself. Furiously, he said: â€Å"Then, I would say that you are not virtuous because you dare defy authority that is virtuous! You are also immoral, for defying your obligations that you entered willingly! Why then did you enter this agreement if you are not agreeing with it?† â€Å"Because studying is required to be smart and successful, I want to be successful†¦ and being smart means that you gain wisdom,† Person shyly said. The face of Socrates brightened a bit: â€Å"You are wise in saying that Person,† exclaimed Socrates, â€Å"because the beginning of wisdom is the recognition of your ignorance. However, knowing that you are ignorant but not following the virtuous path towards truth and wisdom only means that you are foolish. Do as you please, do not fulfill the obligations of your agreement, and you will lose your identity as a Person. What difference do you have then from beasts?† â€Å"I am not a beast. And I am not foolish. I will then, submit to my obligations, I will write my paper. So, Socrates, let us move on, what are your questions about this realm?† Person said eventually.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Discrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Discrimination - Essay Example Evidences of racial discrimination, as proposed by Wrench and Modood (2000), can be derived from five different sources. These include statistical evidence, discrimination testing, studies on the activities of employment decision-makers (or the so-called 'gatekeepers' who are in the capacity to hire or reject applicants), self-reports of ethnic minorities, and, lastly, the legal action employed by discriminated employees. Generally, the proposed study seeks to determine the impact of racial discrimination to employees and employers during the recruitment and selection process. Specifically, the study will try to provide answers to the following questions: There is a myriad of studies on situations of racial discrimination in the British workplace. Racial discrimination come in numerous forms, including bias in hiring, firing, taunting, joking, etc. (Brief & Barsky, 2000; Deitch, Barsky, Butz, Chan, Brief & Bradley, 2003; Gunaratnam, 2001; Holmes, Marra & Burns, 2001; Mesthenos & Ioannidi, 2002). Likewise, Blackaby et al. (1997) suggest that workplace-related problems that ethnic minorities in the UK suffer can be classified into two major types: higher unemployment rate and lower salaries of non-natives compared to natives. Ethnic minorities have been found to steadily exhibit unemployment rates more than double of whites (Leslie et al., 1998). Evidence indicates that excluding Indian and Chinese men high rates of unemployment are experienced by ethnic minority groups. Likewise, the gap between the unemployment rates of whites and ethnic minorities seemed to rise and fall but showing no indication of a continued downward trend. In fact, the Commission for Racial Equality (2002) reports that comparative position of ethnic minority groups had significantly decreased since the 1970s. Ziegerta and Hangesa (2005) suggest that implicit racist attitudes interacted with a climate for racial bias to predict discrimination. Results of their study partially indicate that motivation to control prejudice moderates the relationship between explicit and implicit attitudes. Taken together, the findings illustrate the differences between implicit and explicit racial attitudes in predicting discriminatory behavior. Consequences of employer discrimination on ethnic minorities tend to be measured in terms of a competitive framework that considers

Impact of the Virtual Private Network on Businesses Research Paper

Impact of the Virtual Private Network on Businesses - Research Paper Example VPNs are categorized according to the role they play in business, and there are three different categories of VPNs, one being remote access VPNs that allows remote users like mobile employees to securely access the business network. Furthermore, we have intranet VPNs enables a company to connect its remote sites to the corporate backbone, and lastly, extranet VPNs facilitates an organization’s suppliers, strategic associates and customers to be connected to the company network (Bidgoli, 2005). Introduction The growth of internet users globally has been phenomenal from a meager four computers in 1969 that formed the ARPANET to an estimated 2.4 billion users in 2012(internet world statistics). Businesses depend on the internet for real-time information; thus, the accessibility and easy availability of the internet has enabled an unprecedented growth, and the need for secure networks became essential. However, businesses that have dispersed locations are faced with the issue of l ong-distance private communication (Wallace, 1998); this is considering that communication with others privately across long distances previously was too expensive and difficult. Business exchange information securely within computers and devices on these networks provided that only persons with real access to the network could share that information. Thus, communication across long distances enabled large businesses to lease private phone lines from service provider AT&T, and this meant that only business information was transmitted on the line. Therefore, a business establishment in Los Angeles was able to lease an entire phone line from AT&T to connect to their office in Atlanta, Georgia. The business paid for the line without due regard to the volume of data exchanged on it. This leased line solution used by business for private communication turned out to be costly that several businesses could not use this method of connectivity. The growth of VPNs A Virtual Private Network co nceals the line between the open public internet and a closed private leased line network (Wouters and Bantoft, 2006). Kosiur (1998) calls them virtual to indicate that although circuit between two sites could be treated as a private line, it was not physically wired and served only as a linkage when traffic was passing over the circuit. The evolution VPNs started with the earlier usage of frame relay technology, whereby businesses would enjoy secure method of communication by utilizing a router at each endpoint. They became important because of the usage of less equipment to form a secure connection than leased lines (Dern, 1992). Moreover, they were comparatively cheap than leased lines, considering the overall expense and the inability to exhaust all the bandwidth of the leased line. Considering all the advantages it had, there were still costly issues that accompanied its usage; for example, maintenance, and this led to the development of an Internet-based VPN. This technology u sed open and the readily available Internet to form a secure connection amongst multiple users including those in remote locations and connections were established when needed and terminated after data transmission (Berger, 2012).Â